Upload Material for Analysis

Before running analysis, please make sure that you’ve read the instructions. If you are using the AutoIC Paragraph version, make sure you download the CSV template below.

On uploading material, you also confirm that the necessary legal permissions are in place for material sent through the system.

If you are planning on running a larger project (greater than 30 files at once), please contact us.  We need to allot time for processing large batches of files.   We can also setup an easier method for uploading and distributing files which will save you from having to upload each file individually.

AutoIC Document Analysis

Take prepared material and upload it below:

    • Single TXT file you would like to run analysis on, or
    • ZIP file containing any number of TXT files you would like to code (However, zip files should be less than 1MB to process well.  One .5MB file, will require about 4 hours to run.)

Note to Mac users: When you zip your file, a __MACOSX directory is automatically created in the zip file. Please delete this folder before uploading.

AutoIC Paragraph Analysis

  1. Download the CSV Template
  2. The CSV has a single sheet. There are five column headers. The first three columns (titled respectively, “Var1,” Var2,” and “Var3.”) are columns for variable names which you may or may not use as you see fit. The fourth column, titled “Paragraph,” is where you need to paste the things you want code.  Please note:  The file will stop coding when it reaches the first row with no data in the first four columns. However, if there is data in columns 1-3, but nothing in column 4, your file will not run.
  3. Take your prepared version of the CSV template file and upload it below

Please select your file:

[wordpress_file_upload uploadpatterns=”*.txt, *.zip, *.csv” maxsize=”1″ uniquepattern=”datetimestamp” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”kathrene.conway@autoic.org” notifymessage=”{%dq%email%dq%: %dq%%useremail%%dq%, %dq%uploaded_filename%dq%: %dq%%filename%%dq%, %dq%server_filepath%dq%: %dq%%filepath%%dq%, %dq%postmark%dq%: %dq%non-heroku%dq%}” attachfile=”true”]

Press the ‘Upload File’ button above.

You can upload as many files as you need run, and we will process them as soon as we can.  When your analysis is complete, you will receive an email(s) with a spreadsheet of your results.  If you have uploaded files, and haven’t received the coded response within a week, feel free to contact me at kathrene.conway@umontana.edu.

We will not be running files from 12/21/2024 – 01/06/25.  We hope you have a lovely holiday season.

Not sure what type of analysis to use or what the variables are? Read-up on the difference on the instructions page.

By uploading any files and using the system, you are agreeing to the terms of use.